SDKMAN! The Software Development Kit Manager

SDKMAN! The Software Development Kit Manager

Introduction, short for Software Development Kit Manager, is a command-line tool designed to simplify the installation, management, and use of various Java-based SDK tools and services easily. Originally focused on the Java ecosystem, has expanded its support to include languages such as Kotlin, Scala, Groovy, and more.

Benefits of SDKMAN

  • Increases Productivity

  • Faster and Easier to maintain different versions.

  • Changes the version of your home server rather than changing the version of all other users in a global server working together.

  • Automates managing and switching between different versions.

  • You control what you own and don't disturb others on a global server.


Launch a terminal and type in:

$ curl -s "" | bash

After installation, Open a new terminal and type in:

$ source "$HOME/.sdkman/bin/"

Lastly, you can run the following to confirm the installation:

$ sdk version


SDKMAN will allow you to install a lot of different programs.

Listing all options to install

$ sdk ls

Installing Java

$ sdk install java

Find a specific version:

$ sdk ls java

Install a specific version based on the identifier from the list:

$ sdk install java 11.0.12-open

Using a specific version:

$ sdk use java 11.0.12-open

Default a specific version:

$ sdk default java 11.0.12-open

To update SDKMAN:

$ sdk update

NOTE All of the above commands will work for the other programs available such as:

  • gradle

  • maven

  • groovy

  • kotlin

  • spark

  • springboot

Getting help

$ sdk help


In a nutshell, is a game-changer for developers. It makes handling different programming languages a breeze, saves time, and ensures a smooth experience across various operating systems. Whether you're a seasoned pro or a beginner, incorporating into your toolbox can make your development journey much simpler. So, dive in, explore, and enjoy a hassle-free way to manage your software development kits!

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