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Yet Another Markup Language (Previous Full-Form)
YAML Ain't Markup Language (Present Full-Form)
What is YAML?
- A simple human-readable language that can be used to represent data
- YAML is not a programming language
- It is a data format used to exchange data
- Similar to JSON & XML
- Used to store some information about some configurations
- In YAML, you can only store data, not commands.
Data - Serialization
Serialization is the process of converting the data object that is present in a complex data structure into a steam of bytes(or storage) that can be used to transfer this data on your physical device. or A process of converting this data object into series of bytes tat saves the state of the object which is easily transmittable.
The reverse of data serialization is data deserialization.
Combination of code and data. It is basically a data storage unit.
Some Data - Serialization Languages
Why YAML is not considered as a markup language and why it's full form changed?
Markup language are used to store only documents but in YAML, you can store object data along with documents. That's why it is not considered as a Markup Language.
Uses of Data Serialization:
- Used in configuration files, such as Docker / Kubernetes, etc.
- Logs, caches, etc.
Benefits of YAML:
- It is simple and easy to read
- It has a strict syntax. (Indentation is important)
- Easily convertible to JSON, XML
- Most languages use YAML
- It is more powerful when representing complex data
- Parsers, etc. various tools available
- Parsing is easy. (Parsing means reading the data)
Some Important Points:
- YAML is case senitive. [apple != Apple]
- In YAML, we use spaces for indentation not Tabs
- In YAML, there is no multi-line comments. (only single is comment is available)
- To seperate blocks of code and treat them as documents in a YAML files use( --- )
- To mark as the end of document use ( ... )
- Some of the keys of the sequence will be empty and is known as sparse sequence.
YAML Syntax
"apple" : "This is a red fruit"
1 : "This is my roll no."
- apple
- horse
- Sourav
- sourav
- New Delhi
- Mumbai
- Pune
- Banglore
cities: [New Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Banglore]
{mango: "Yellow Fruit", qualtily: "A+"}
#string variables
myself : Sourav
fruit : "Orange"
job : 'DevOps Engineer'
#multiple line strings
bio: |
Hey, I'm Sourav Dhiman
I'm a DevOps Engineer
#write a single line in multiple lines
message: >
This is written
in multiple
lines but it
will show in single line
numbers: 3942
makrs: 84.32
booleanvalues: No #N, n, false, False, FALSE
#same for true - Y, y, yes, True, TRUE
#specify the type
zero : !!int 0
positivenum: !!int 34
negativenum: !!int -12
binarynum: 0b11001
octalnum: !!int 043423
hexalnum: !!int 0x45
#floating point number
marks: !!float 32.38
infinite: !!float .inf
not a num: !!float .nan
surname: !!null Null # or null, NULL, ~
~: This is a null key
Advanced Datatypes
student: !!seq
- marks
- name
- roll_no
#like this also
student: [marks, name, roll_no]
#some of the keys of the seq will be empty
#sparse seq
sparce seq:
- hey
- how
- null
- sup
#nested seq
- fruits:
- banana
- apple
- vegetable:
- sweet pototo
- tomato
#key: value pairs are called maps
#nested mapping: map within a map
name: Sourav
- age: 19
- job: student
#same as
name: Sourav
role: {age: 19, job: student}
#pairs: keys may have duplicate values
pair examples: !!pairs
- job: student
- job: teacher
#same as
pair example: !!pairs [job: student, job: teaacher]
#this will be an array of hastables
# set will allow you to have unique values
? Sourav
? Nikhil
? Sidhant
#dictionary !!omap
people: !!omap
- Sourav:
- name: Sourav Dhiman
- age: 19
- height: 176
- Nikhil:
- name: Nikhil Sharma
- age: 21
- height: 174
# reusing some properties using anchors
likings: &likes
fav fruit: mango
dislikes: grapes
name: Sourav
<<: *likes
name: Nikhil
<<: *likes
dislikes: oranges
#this will look like
name: Nikhil
fav fruit: mango
dislikes: oranges
name: Sidhant
<<: *likes